Horaires et tarifs des trains du Japon
Horaire et coût des principaux trajets en train
Au Japon, le réseau ferroviaire est le meilleur moyen de voyager mais il peut parfois être difficile de trouver le bon chemin pour arriver à destination. Voici deux tableaux pour vous aider à planifier vos itinéraires au Japon rapidement et facilement : horaires et coûts des trains au Japon.
Au Japon, le réseau ferroviaire est le meilleur moyen de voyager mais il peut parfois être difficile de trouver le bon chemin pour arriver à destination.
Pour trouver les itinéraires et les horaires dont vous avez besoin pour votre voyage, vous pouvez visiter ce site : Hyperdia.com.
Voici quelques conseils pour utiliser Hyperdia :
Jorudan – Japan Transit Planner
With Jorudan, you can enter your route and sort the results by price, by time and by transfer. There is also an option to choose whether you want to take a Nozomi, Hikari or Local train, since the cost will variate between these trains.
The application allow more possibilities than the website, like choosing the kind of ticket you are using.
Japan Travel by Navitime
Navitime offers a variety of customized options, like way of transportations, type of ticket you use to check the itineraries that matches your Pass and even add a stop-over.
The only technical difficulty is that sometimes you're looking for a particular place (like a coffee shop, a library …) and you will not find it. Only tourists locations or stations are available.
Google Maps
You probably know Google Maps, and the Japanese one is pretty precise, so you will have no issue to find the route to a specific place. They even update when there are delays. However, there is no feature to know if your path is JR Pass-friendly or any Pass-friendly.
Vous pouvez trouver les tarifs des trains en utilisant Hyperdia, vous pouvez voir le prix en haut à gauche, le prix total comprend :
• Le prix du voyage : il est forfaitaire.
• Le prix des places. Cela dépend du type de siège que vous choisissez :
- Siège non réservé : au Japon il existe des voitures non réservées (généralement les trois premières voitures) pour les sièges non réservés, cela signifie que vous pouvez vous asseoir où vous voulez dans la voiture. Ces billets sont les moins chers et si vous avez un Japan Rail Pass, vous pouvez monter à bord du train sans réserver de siège en vous rendant au guichet du quai.
- Siège réservé : dans ce cas, vous aurez un siège désigné. Vous pouvez réserver ces places à l'avance dans n'importe quelle billetterie. C'est gratuit avec un Japan Rail Pass.
- Siège dans un wagon Green Car : ces sièges sont l'équivalent de la première classe. Ici, vous pouvez incliner votre siège, profiter du repose-pieds et d'un plus grand espace pour vous et vos bagages ainsi que des magazines de voyage.
More Tips :
- On our website, you can find the times of Shinkansen (it’s the same every day) on the ticket page of every route. Each type of Shinkansen runs multiple times an hour, so you'll have no trouble having at ticket at the time you want.
- Some areas don’t have a lot of train every day, whereas places like Osaka or Tokyo have trains every 3 minutes. Don’t be surprised if some trains only run every two hours in Hokkaido’s countryside !
- You’ll find different speeds of trains (local, rapid, express). They run approximately every 15 minutes, so you’ll always have a train every three to five minutes, but it might not serve your station. Find out more about this here : From Limited Express to Local Train.
- Except for night trains, the service stops around midnight and restart around 5 AM. In big cities, there are a lot of emergency accommodations at low price for the ones who didn’t make it to the last train, like capsule hotel.
Japan Trains Cost 💵
Trains are the most common way to travel in Japan because the network is very developed, even in the countryside. However, even thought it’s by far the most trouble-free option, taking the train is not always the cheapest one. There will often be different companies operating the same trip, with one faster (and more expensive) than the other. The difference might not be that much in time or money, so make sure to check which itinerary is the best to take for your journey.
What will you pay when you buy a train ticket :
- The price of the journey : this is fixed, no matter which train you take. The cost depends on the distance you cover.
- The seat prices. This depends on the type of seat you choose :
Unreserved Seat: in Japan there are unreserved cars (usually the first three cars) for non-reserved seats, this means you can sit where you want in the car. These tickets are the cheapest and if you have a Japan Rail Pass, you can board the train without reserving a seat by going to the window at the platform.
Reserved Seat : in that case, you will have a designated seat. You can make a reservation for these seats in advance at any ticket office. It is free with a Japan Rail Pass.
Green Car Seat : these seats are the equivalent of first class. Here you can recline your seat, enjoy the footrest and a larger space for you and your luggage as well as magazines for the trip.
Check on our website to find out the price of your Shinkansen ride and order your e-ticket early !