Otaue Festival 御田植祭

Of rice farmers during the planting ceremony.
Feast of rice
For bountiful harvests, nothing beats a dance and some songs! Discover the secrets of traditional rice planting at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine in Osaka.
The second Saturday in June, rice is honored in the archipelago. Festivities related to planting rice plants have been held throughout the country for several centuries.
But it is at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine in Osaka, where you can attend one of the most illustrious ceremonies of this ancient ritual.
Plowing rice fields with bulls, the impressive parade consisting of samurai, dancers, priests and geishas... Here, each of the ancient practices of the Otaue Festival is faithfully executed.
After many prayers, rice transplanting, accompanied by traditional songs and ritual dances, can finally start.
If once the objective of the festival was to increase yields and the quality of rice, today it is to revive the traditions of a bygone era.
The rituals accompanying rice planting (平成25年住吉大社御田植神事)
Address, timetable & access
+81 (0)66 672 0753Website