Shodo Japanese Calligraphy 書道

In Japanese, shodo literally means “the way of writing’. More than just an aesthetic, it’s an expression of the inner spirit of the calligrapher.

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Illuminations d'hiver au Kenroku-en, Kanazawa

5 of the most beautiful winter illuminations in Japan

In Japan, illuminations often mark the transition from one season to another.

The One Piece Shinkansen

Imagine a train transformed into a pirate ship, ready to take you through the wonders of western Japan. The One Piece Shinkansen

Vegan tomato ramen at UZU Kyoto

3 great vegan restaurants to visit in Kyoto!

Keeping up a vegan diet when visiting Japan can be difficult, but there are more and more restaurants popping up in Japan centered around plant-based cooking!