Your Osaka Station Guide

  • Published on : 26/06/2016
  • by : Japan Experience

A major hub for travel in Osaka

Here's our easy guide to finding your way around Osaka station, one of the largest in the world. 


  • JR Fukuchiyama Line to Amagasaki, Fukuchiyama
  • JR Kyoto Line to Kyoto
  • JR Yumesaki Line to Universal Studio Japan (USJ)
  • JR Kobe Line to Kobe and Himeji
  • Hanwa Line to Kansai airport and Wakayama
  • Osaka Loop Line


In addition, several express trains linking various major cities also pass through Osaka Station, including the Super Hakuto and night trains (Sunrise Seto, Sunrine Izumo). 

Osaka Loop Line train in Osaka Station

© Cheng-en Cheng, Wikimedias

Osaka station sign

© そらみみ, wikimedias

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