How to get from Kyoto to Kanazawa

See the best way to get from Kyoto to Kanazawa using the Thunderbird Limited Express Train and Shinkansen bullet train!

Trip Duration Approx.1 hour 50 mins to
2 hours 50mins
First & Last Departure 6:59 AM/ 9:21 PM
💶 Cost From 4,100 to 6,500 yen
🚆 Distance 124 kilometers
🚉 Departing/Arriving Station Kyoto Station/
Kanazawa Station
Thunderbird Limited Express TrainKagayaki Shinaknsen Bullet Train
Read more about reserving seats on the train in Japan // How to Reserve Seats on the Train in Japan
Read more about oversized baggage rules on the Shinkansen // New Luggage Reservation Rules for the Shinkansen

Kyoto is a metropolis, but it's not like other big towns in Japan because it has mountains on three sides and a lot of traditional architecture instead of tall skyscrapers. Benefit from Kyoto's distinctive topography by spending some time on a leisurely trek where you can take in the surrounding scenery. One of the simpler walks in the area is from Shogunzuka to Seiryuden, which takes around two hours to reach Chion-in Temple. Enjoy an unrestricted perspective of the city from a high vantage point and discover Kyoto in a way you never would have imagined.

Travelers arrive at Kyoto Station and are immediately in the heart of the historic capital. Not many towns in the world can match Kyoto's distinction of being the first city to commemorate its 1200th anniversary—a feat that was accomplished in 1997 when the station underwent its current design by renowned architect Hiroshi Hara. 

Kyomizudera in Kyoto

Kyomizudera in Kyoto

@Jordy Meow

Kanazawa is also home to one of Japan's three most well-known gardens, Kenroku-en. The garden opened to the public in the late 1800s, and it offers seasonal nightly illuminations throughout the spring cherry blossom season and the fall leaf change. This central location is a hub for entertainment and events, as it is adjacent to both the 21st Century Contemporary Art Museum and the ancient Kanazawa Castle. A trip to Higashi-chaya is essential for a more thorough examination of Kanazawa's rich history. Several of the original buildings from centuries ago may still be found in this charming tea sector, making it an ideal location for pictures. Many visitors from within and outside of Japan wander about this area of Kanazawa while donning traditional yukata. 


Higashi-chaya, Kanazawa


Kanazawa Station

Kanazawa Station


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