Chozuya Water Feature At Japanese Shrines
Chozuya are the water butts in front of every Japanese shrine. Here you purify your hands and mouth before entering the shrine proper. A supplicant must be ritually pure before addressing the kami at the shrine.
Chozuya Water Feature At Japanese Shrines 神社
Chozuya are the water butts in front of every Japanese shrine. Here you purify your hands and mouth before entering the shrine proper. A supplicant must be ritually pure before addressing the kami at the shrine.
First take the ladle and rinse your left hand, then right hand, then your mouth. Many shrines in Japan will have a signboard explaining this procedure.
Sign showing how to purify your hands and mouth at a Shinto shrine in Japan
This chozuya is at Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya, in central Japan.
Many chozuya or temizuya (手水舎) will have a spout in the shape of a dragon for performing these ablutions. This is an interesting mix of fire and water symbolism.
Bamboo ladles at a Japanese shrine's water basin
Chubu Shrines
Central Japan, known as Chubu, has many interesting shrines. Find shrines including Momotaro Shrine in Inuyama, Toyokawa Inari Shrine, Tagata Shrine and its phallic festival in March, the Naked Festival and Shin Otoko at Konomiya Shrine and the Horse Festival at Tado Shrine in Mie Prefecture.
Nagoya's most important shrine is Atsuta Jinja.