Internet Cafes

  • Published on : 24/12/2012
  • by : Japan Experience

Internet Cafes in Japan: see a listing of internet cafes in Japan's major cities: Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto, and to which you are free to add your own.

Manga Cafe

Manga Cafe interior

@Japan Visitor

As for charging, most internet cafes offer access for a certain time at a fixed price and then charge extra for additional use beyond that.

For longer use, discounts may be available. For instance, there will often be a flat rate for all-day access. Many offer a discount coupon at the end of your session to entice you back.

The spaces themselves are often divided into open and closed boxes. An open box with limited privacy is a little cheaper than a closed box. Closed boxes are small cabins that, besides a computer, will often have a television and sometimes also a game computer.

Normally there is also a choice of a smoking or non-smoking booth. Many Japanese pay for a manga-reading-only seat, which is cheaper but does not include internet access.

Internet cafe trends

At the moment, there are a great number and variety of internet cafes in Japan. However, a trend seems to be developing where chain branches are pushing out the smaller cafes.

While these branches usually offer more extensive services, their prices are somewhat higher and they often require paid-up membership. If money is an issue, there are still places to be found where internet access is free.


Manga cafe selection

Manga cafe selection


Check out these internet options for staying connected through your trip to Japan!

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  • Included : Pre-charged and ready to use, Up to 150Mbps, Fast and secure delivery
  • Included : High autonomy (up to 8 hours of use), Economic and simple

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