L'Hokuriku Shinkansen

  • Pubblicato il : 26/06/2016
  • Per : Japan Experience

Treno proiettile Kanazawa

A marzo 2015 aprirà la nuovissima linea di treni ad alta velocità Hokuriku! Preparati a guidarlo con il tuo Japan Rail Pass - Disponibile in pass da 7, 14 e 21 giorni.

 It's the birth certificate of this line, to keep only the name of Hokuriku Shinkansen. The next step was the opening of a new extension to Tsuruga in March 2024. A total of 500km from Tokyo through the Japanese Alps and along the coast of the Sea of Japan.
All that remains is to link Kyoto and Osaka, but this is not planned for several years, after 2040 it seems.

All Shinkansens running on the Hokuriku line are E7 series trains, specially commissioned for the 2015 inauguration.

Hokuriku Shinkansen Toyama

Hokuriku Shinkansen Toyama (JLM)

Empruntez le Hokuriku Shinkansen avec ces options de voyage !

  • Incluso : 4.5/5 (+14K reviews), 1M pass sold, Official Japan Railway partner
  • Incluso : Economic and simple, Unlimited travel
JRP Regional
  • Incluso : Economic and simple, Unlimited travel
JRP Regional

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