San'in Kaigan Geopark
A park of diversities
The San'in Kaigan Geopark is an unspoilt area full of natural wonders, stretching from Kyoto to Tottori.
San'in Kaigan Geopark spans Kyoto prefectures with the Tango Peninsula, passing through Hyogo and up to Tottori and its famous dune, thus covering a huge area.
Japan is home to 43 geoparks , 9 of which are listed by UNESCO. That of San'in was the fourth ranked in 2010.
Since the creation of the Earth
Everything dates back more than 25 million years , when Eurasia moved and fragmented to form, after intense volcanic activity, the Sea of Japan. These geological events are at the heart of the geopark , where one can learn and know the geomorphological episodes of the creation of Japan.
Over time and earthly upheavals, remarkable landscapes have been born, all that makes up the beauty that has always been recognized from the Nihon Kai coast to Kyoto.
To read: Selection of 10 Japanese national parks
Here are a few spots you shouldn't miss:
- Tango & Sengan Matsushima, Tango Peninsula (Kyoto to Tottori)
The name of Matsushima may ring a bell, because indeed it is towards Sendai that there is a fabulous string of islets classified among the three wonders of Japan. The name is used here because we find these 'floating islands' on the blue waters, more dynamic on the Sea of Japan, with the added bonus of magnificent sunsets. A landscaped promenade allows everyone to appreciate the many beauties of the place, and you can even swim in summer.

Nihon Kai Coast Beach
Wikimedia Commons
Histoire géologique et particularités du San'in Kaigan Geopark
L'histoire géologique du San'in Kaigan Geopark remonte à plus de 25 millions d'années, offrant un témoignage unique de l'évolution géologique du Japon. Les principales étapes de cette histoire comprennent :
- La période où le Japon faisait partie du continent eurasien
- La formation de la mer du Japon, résultat d'une intense activité volcanique
- L'évolution continue du paysage jusqu'à nos jours
Parmi les particularités géologiques remarquables du parc, on trouve :
- Genbudo (Toyooka City, Hyogo)
The site is classified among the most beautiful natural monuments and it will surely dazzle you. This setting seems heavenly with caves and cliffs. All this was formed after the eruption of a volcano more than a million years ago , the solidified magma creates unique shapes, on which the action of erosion brings its final touch. Everything can be admired and visited in this park from which masses of hydrangeas emerge at the end of June.
See: Genbudo Cave
- Kinosaki Onsen
Not far from the site of Genbudo, the charms of Kinosaki Onsen have been known for 1,300 years . Historically rich, this nostalgic-looking village encourages daydreaming along the banks of the Otani River, and above all relaxation with its seven public baths of different styles . You can try them all in turn to taste their delights, between two walks in yukata , the light summer kimono that shows itself without shame. Don't hesitate any longer, dive… into the peaceful bliss of Kinosaki Onsen.
- The Bridge of Amarube village of Kami (Hyogo)
Japan is the country of the train , of super-designed and extra-fast shinkansen , but also of travel on charming little country lines , such as the San'in line. The Amarube bridge is an obligatory stopping point for railway enthusiasts, with its 'station in the sky' just before entering it, the old red bridge built in 1912, 309 meters long, culminates at 41, 5 meters in height. Dizzy ! For safety reasons, a new bridge was built in 2010, right next to it, the old one serving as a promenade and an observatory.
To go further: The shinkansen
- Tottori Dunes
In France, there is the great dune of Pilat. In Japan the equivalent are the dunes of Tottori . They are the symbol of Tottori, these great dunes created by Mother Nature. We have fun there as much as we use it as a high point on the Sea of Japan . The walk is tiring, certainly, but so beautiful.
San'in Kaigan Geopark Trail offers hiking routes between 3 and 20 kilometers to appreciate all these beauties of nature on foot. For this, consult the site ( , in English).
Other geoparks:
Address, timetable & access
+81 (0)796-82-5222Website