Oze Park 尾瀬国立公園

A floral hike

A few hours by bus from Tokyo, this park is a favorite destination for hikers, who come to admire the largest alpine swamp in Japan, Ozegahara swamp, and Ozenuma pond.

When you arrive from Tokyo, through the Gunma Prefecture, three hiking trails are available to you: the first, the Hatomachitoge trail, is the most popular because of its proximity to Ozegahara swamp, just an hour away. In tourist season, there is a risk of traffic jams as hikers stop to take photos. The Oshimizu trail takes you to Ozenuma Pond after two hours of walking, but is considered the most "athletic" as the altitude difference is more pronounced. Finally, you can tackle the Fujimi-shita trail, which is the most peaceful, being the least used, and also the least accessible of the three. Once at the pond, you can follow the various trails along its shoreline or take the 1.5-kilometer track that connects it to the marsh, passing through the woods.

Oze Park Map

A simplified map of the three main trails.


Oze National Park

Address, timetable & access

Our activities in Nikko

  • Duration : 7 hours
  • Location : Nikko
  • Duration : 4 hours
  • Location : Nikko
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