Shodoshima by bike
Between sea and mountain
Northeast of Shikoku, in the heart of the Seto Inland Sea, is Shodoshima. Coastal roads and mountainous landscapes make the island ideal for a two-wheeled excursion!
The island of Shodoshima offers varied landscapes and many activities on its 153 square kilometers. Discover one of the sites of the Setouchi Triennale by renting a bike. Sunday cyclists or great climbers, everyone will find a suitable path and can enjoy the view! Far from the hustle and bustle of cities and tourist sites, Shodoshima remains easily accessible while offering a guaranteed change of scenery. Board a ferry from Takamatsu, Okayama, Himeji, Hinase (near Bizen and its ceramics ), Tamano (via Naoshima and Teshima ), or even Kobe!
Rent a bike
It is unlikely that you brought your bicycle with you to Japan, so you will need to find a rental point. No need to worry, since there are a good dozen spread over the island with prices starting at around $6 per day.
Shodoshima also recently launched a bike-share program. Employees of the Tonosho Port Tourist Office will be happy to help you create an account that will allow you to enjoy the 200 electric bikes of "Hello Cycling" arranged in the 50 stations of Shodoshima. For now, the procedure is only available in Japanese, but with the Setouchi Triennale getting closer and the number of tourists expected for the event, the authorities plan to provide maximum services in English.
For information, 15 minutes are charged $.80 cents and the day of use costs less than $15. If you are with your family, know that you can rent 4 bikes with a single account. No need for an additional card, since you can pay with your Pasmo transport card (ordered from Japan Experience!).
To go further: Rent an electric bike in Tokyo
What to do?
Most of the 126 kilometers of roads that run along the coast can be covered by bicycle. Twice a day at low tide you can take a walk on the "Angel Road". This "route of the angels" is a sandbar that connects three small islands and attracts many young couples in search of eternal love.
See also: Outing ideas for couples
Going inland, the roads begin to climb. Take the Kankakei cable car which flies over the eponymous gorge. Upon arrival, a magnificent view of the surrounding mountains and the Seto Inland Sea. The Ushikushi no Hara plateau in the center of the island also offers breathtaking panoramas. Then set off to meet the wildlife of the island! More than 500 monkeys live in the mountain near Choshi Gorge and Waterfall.
You will almost believe you are in the Mediterranean! Olive trees have been growing for more than 100 years in Shodoshima since the island benefits from a particularly mild and dry climate. The olives produced in Shodoshima are famous throughout the country where they are sold in the form of oil or cosmetics. Why not take a walk among the olive trees in the park dedicated to this fruit? The Olive Park is the ideal place to relax, with an onsen and a windmill that make the landscape even more magical.

At the top of the Kankakei Gorge cable car
Helene Marbach