Huis Ten Bosch Nagasaki

  • Published on : 27/12/2012
  • by : Japan Experience

Huis Ten Bosch: read a guide to Huis Ten Bosch a Netherlands-related theme park in Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyushu, southern Japan. See Holland in Japan.

Our activities in Nagasaki

  • Duration : 210 minutes
  • Location : Nagasaki
Discover all our activities in Nagasaki (182)

Our tours in Nagasaki

  • Duration : 21 days
  • Locations : Tokyo, Hakone Mt Fuji, Kyoto, Nara, Naoshima, Osaka, Kobe, Takachiho, Kumamoto, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Miyajima
See all our other Tours (1)

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