efish エフィッシュ

The front entrance to efish coffee shop.
Like a fish in its bowl
Walls of the same color as the light foam that covers your espresso, a selection of small home made dishes, soft music, colorful chairs to curl up in... and a breathtaking view over the Kamo River.
A large glass window worthy of the finest New York, Berlin or Paris loft, fronts this cozy café facing the river that runs through Kyoto and onto the other bank. A relaxing sight to enjoy whatever the season (although we highly recommend going there during the blossoming of the cherry trees that dot the banks of the river).
This cafe is perfect when taking a break, working, reading, or meeting friends. Two-storeys with a minimalist design, a selection of teas and smoothies to make you swoon, and even a mini art gallery on the second floor where you can buy artistic creations at a reasonable price.
Efish has an excellent snack selection and lunch menu: various curries, sandwiches, soup, rice dishes, salads, and sweet treats too... all in a very reasonable price range (900 yen for curry, 580 yen for a walnut cake). The menu is available in English. And if you can't get a seat near the window, you can console yourself by watching the fluorescent fish in the café's aquarium!