Come posso andare da Fukuoka a Nagasaki?

  • Pubblicato il : 15/02/2017
  • Per : Japan Experience

Sedetevi e guardate gli splendidi panorami

La tratta tra Fukuoka e Nagasaki è servita dai treni Limited Express Kamome. Per una splendida vista sul Mare di Ariake assicurati di prenotare un posto sul lato sinistro del treno.

68 KM - 0H46 - Hizenyamaguchi

Change here for trains to Arita, famous for Imari porcelain and the port of Sasebo.

83 KM - 0H57- Hizenkashima

You can start to see the beautiful Ariake Sea on the left side of the train. Once a year, Kashima holds the Kashima Gatalympics, an event made purely to try and put the city on the map. Teams from all over the world compete in Olympic-style games, but in thick mud leading to interesting consequences.

129 KM - 1H37 - Isahaya

If you are heading to Unzen Onsen, you will need to change to a non-JR line here.

152 KM - 1H52 - Urakami

The nearest station to the Atomic Bomb Museum and Peace Park.

154 KM - 1H55 - Nagasaki

Must-sees on the journey from Fukuoka to Nagasaki
Fukuoka is Kyushu's largest city
Saga hosts a famous Balloon Festival every October
Change at Kohoku Station to reach the port of Sasebo
Hizen-Kashima Station is near Yutoku Inari Jinja Shrine
Change at Isahaya Station for the famous Unzen Onsen hot springs
Urakami is home to the Atomic Bomb Museum and Peace Park
Nagasaki is known for its history and culture
A map of the itinerary

In Nagasaki, take a detour to the uninhabited island of Gunkanjima!

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