Chuo-Sobu Line

Chuo-Sobu Line: the Chuo-Sobu Line is a main east-west rail link in central Tokyo between Mitaka and Chiba.

Train Information

The trains that run on the Chuo-Sobu Line are differentiated by color: yellow is local and referred to as "Sobu Line," and orange is Rapid and referred to as "Chuo Line."

The Chuo-Sobu line's official name is Chuo-Sobu Kanko Sen, "slow-moving Chuo-Sobu line." That's because it provides stations on those two lines with a local (every-station) service in the form of the yellow (Sobu) line, while the orange (Chuo) line provides the express service.

Yellow Sobu Line Train

Yellow Sobu Line Train

@Japan Visitor

Orange Chuo Line Train

Orange Chuo Line Train

@Japan Visitor

Ochanomizu 御茶ノ水

Ochanomizu Station is in Ochanomizu, a university district that also has some elegant religious buildings such as the imposing Yushima SeidoYushima Tenjin Shrine, as well as the beautiful Kyu-Iwasaki Tei Garden.

The Rapid (kaisoku), Commuter Rapid (tsuukin kaisoku), Chuo Special Rapid (Chuo tokkai), Ome Special Rapid (Ohme tokkai), Commuter Special Rapid (tsuukin tokkai), the Chuo Liner (Chuo lainaa) and Ome Liner (Ome lainaa) also stop at Ochanomizu.

Change at Ochanomizu Station for the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Subway Line (Shin-Ochanomizu Station - take the Hijiribashi Exit from Ochanomizu Station), the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Subway Line (take the Ochanomizu-bashi Exit, then cross the bridge).

Kinshincho Station

Kinshincho Station


Shinjuku Station at night

Shinjuku Station at night


Famous view of Ochanomizu Station

Famous view of Ochanomizu Station


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