Museo de Arte Pola ポーラ美術館
Desd Picasso hasta Foujita
Tanto su colección como su arquitectura innovadora hacen que visitar este museo sea una experiencia muy especial.
El extraordinario Museo de Arte Pola eligió como residencia el centro de un espeso bosque. Desde los inicios, la idea era establecer un centro de arte en armonía con la naturaleza. Todo ha sido diseñado para combinar la estética natural con la estética artística, siempre respetando el medio ambiente.
El edificio en sí fue construido en el sótano para integrarlo totalmente al paisaje pero está inundado de luz gracias a una gran cantidad de ventanas. En el interior, las galerías cuentan con obras de maestros europeos y también con obras japonesas u orientales, todas realzadas por las aperturas de luz natural. Nada ha sido dejado al azar y la iluminación de las salas garantiza una calidad de observación, al mismo tiempo que respeta las necesidades de conservación de las obras.
Inaugurado en 2002, el museo muestra las colecciones de la Fundación Pola, del grupo del mismo nombre del sector cosmético e inmobiliario, cuya misión es promover el arte y la cultura en Japón.
9500 raros tesoros
Sin limitaciones temporales, el Museo de Arte Pola, posee miles de piezas, incluyendo unas cuatrocientas obras de famosos artistas europeos. Se puede ver a La joven con sombrero de encaje de Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) junto a Una figura entre otras por Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944), mientras que las obras de artistas japoneses están ubicadas cerca de aquellas quienes las inspiraron.
Normalmente las exposiciones están organizadas para destacar la carrera de un artista en particular o establecer una conexión entre un punto de vista europeo y otro japonés.
Bien sea para apreciar las obras menos conocidas de grandes figuras del arte o para iniciarse en el arte japonés, el Museo de Arte Pola es sin duda una experiencia agradable. Al final de la visita, ya cómodamente sentados en el bar de la sala principal, los amantes del arte pueden admirar la obra maestra del museo: la bella y salvaje región de Hakone, la cual se puede observar a través del techo de cristal.
A museum in the heart of the forest
The Pola Art Museum has taken up residence in the heart of a thick forest in the city of Hakone in a building designed to be in harmony with nature. The aim of the museum is to create a unique art place that combines natural aesthetics with art while preserving the environment. The museum was built underground to blend in with the landscape, but benefits from abundant natural light thanks to the many windows. It consists of two buildings connected by a glass walkway, offering a breathtaking view of the surrounding nature. The first building is dedicated to temporary exhibitions, while the second houses the permanent collection. The collections include pieces by European masters as well as Japanese and Oriental creations, all of which are enhanced by a play of light that is not left to chance.
The Pola Museum presents the collections gathered by the Pola Foundation with the aim of promoting the art and culture of the archipelago.
A collection of 9500 rare pearls to discover
The collection of the Pola Art Museum is varied and of high quality, bringing together thousands of pieces, offering visitors a fascinating insight into Japanese and Western art through the centuries.
With around 400 works, the museum has a large collection of paintings by famous European artists such as Renoir, Monet, Cézanne, Van Gogh, Pollock, Matisse and Picasso. The Girl with a Lace-up Hat by Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) stands next to a figure by Vassily Kandinsky (1866-1944), while paintings by Japanese artists take their place alongside those of their inspirers, such as Hokusai, Hiroshige and Utamaro. In addition to paintings and prints, the museum is also rich in period ceramics (Jomôn, Edô, medieval and modern) and sculpture, with works by Rodin and Bourdelle on display.
Regular exhibitions are organised to focus on a particular theme or artist, but also to play on the interplay of European and Japanese views. Temporary or permanent, these exhibitions are very popular with the public and have contributed to the museum's reputation as one of the most important in Japan for Western and Japanese art.
Yayoi Kusama à l’honneur
In 2019, Yayoi Kusama's Eternal Infinity exhibition, Yayoi Kusama's Word of Creation, was held. Entirely dedicated to the Japanese artist, the exhibition was a great success attracting over 270,000 visitors. Known for her repetitive patterns of polka dots and organic shapes, the public was able to discover more than 100 works by Kusama, including mirrors, light installations and performance pieces, in immersive and interactive environments. Some of the works in the collection are still in the permanent collection and can be admired without time limit!
Whether you want to appreciate the lesser-known works of great artists or learn about Japanese art, the Pola Art Museum guarantees a pleasant visit. At the end of the tour, comfortably seated at the refreshment bar in the main hall, aesthetes can marvel at the museum's centrepiece, the beautiful and wild Hakone region, which can be admired through the glass roof.
Art in Hakone City
While Hakone is known for its natural beauty with one of the best views of Mount Fuji and its hot springs, it is also known for its many museums and art gardens.
If you enjoyed the Pola Museum, the Hakone Hakone Open-air Museum of Contemporary Art will delight you. Located in the heart of the forest, it presents a collection of sculptures and interactive works by many Japanese and Western artists all outdoors!

Musée en plein air de Hakone
©leo okuyama via unsplash
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