Bezoek de beste pruimenbloesemplekken in Japan per trein

  • Gepubliceerd op : 26/06/2016
  • by : Japan Experience

Februari bloeit in Tokyo, Kyoto en Mito

Onze meningen over de beste plekken met pruimenbloesem in Japan en hoe je er met de trein kunt komen.

Hanegi Park - Tokyo

Located in Setagaya-ku in Tokyo, Hanegi Park is well-known in the capital district for its more than 600 plum trees! Every year from mid-February to early March, Hanegi Park also has a plum blossom festival.

From JR Shinjuku Station, it’s a supplemental ¥190 ride on the Odakyu line to the aptly named Umegaoka Station (meaning “plum hill”), and Hanegi Park is just a 5-minute walk away.


Kitano Tenmangu - Kyoto

A large Shinto shrine in northwest Kyoto, not too far from the Golden Pavillion, Kitano Tenmangu is the most famous spot in the ancient capital for plum blossoms. On your way, you can rub the cow statues for good luck with intellectual endeavors, or pay a visit to the sleepy, over-looked geisha district of Kamishichiken.

From JR Kyoto Station, take express bus 101 to Kitano Tenmangu (¥230).

Japan's best plum blossom spots by rail
Hanegi Park in Setagaya-ku district has more than 600 plum trees
Kairakuen, the ancient and well-preserved garden in the north of Tokyo
Kitano Tenmangu, the large shinto shrine popular for admiring plum blossoms in Kyoto
Osaka Castle Park Plum Grove, the famous viewing spot with 1,270 plum trees
A map of the itinerary

Go plum blossom-viewing with a Japan Rail Pass!

  • Inclusief : Economic and simple, Unlimited travel
Japan Rail Pass

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